Kids at Heart (KAH) is the signature annual fundraiser for the Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum. 2020 marks the 13th year of this event. Adults are able to take over the museum, spend time in the galleries, and raise money for the non-profit. Above you can see the series of flyers designed for 2020’s event. The event features a color scheme of red, black, gray, and white – aligning with closely with the associated colors of the nearby Valentine’s Day holiday. The idea is to encourage adults to remember what it was like when they were kids. Featured images show children in adult work settings.

This fundraiser relies on the support of community sponsors and donors. The design on the left shows the sponsorship form created for the 2020 event. The front side shows different sponsor levels, corresponding perks, and event details. To the right is the 2020 design of the donor form. Kids at Heart features live and silent auctions that contribute to a large percentage of the funds raised that evening. The donor form is delivered to businesses and organizations and requests a donation for silent auction.

Everyone who contributes to the fundraiser, whether as a sponsor or silent auction donor, gets a personalized thank you letter. The letter pictured above was designed specifically for the 2020 Kid at Heart fundraiser. Design elements include KAH brand colors, logo, and child icons.

All Kids at Heart attendees gets a ticket for the event. The two sided design for 2020 can be seen in the gallery above. These tickets follow the KAH color scheme and contain the whimsical heart and star elements. They also feature aspects of the Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum and Kid’s at Heart branding, like the girl from the logo appearing in the background on the back of the ticket.

The museum is largely operational because of volunteers and this event is no exception. This flyer was created to drum up interest in volunteering for the Special Event Committee – which plans much of the KAH fundraiser. This flyer content was later changed to reflect help that would be needed on the day of the event such as set-up, bartending, raffle selling, clean-up and more.